Michael Fried & Caravaggio

DOES MICHAEL FRIED LIKE ART? Anyone who has dragged themselves through his Absorption and Theatricality has to wonder. It is tempting to push the question a bit further and ask just what it is that he sees when he looks at art. Too often, it seems as though he sees only himself and his own position as a disciple of Clement Greenberg. Fried is the celebrity art historian at Johns Hopkins University and director of its Humanities Center. His latest text, The Moment of Caravaggio, is here on my desk. Continue Reading
Happy New Year

THIS LOVELY 15TH CENTURY PANEL is part of the famed Cycle of the Months, one of the most intriguing and rare secular pictorial cycles of the Middle Ages. The snowball fight here celebrates the month of January.  It is in the collection of the Castello del Buoncastiglio, Trent, the largest and most important architectural complex of the alpine region of Italy (the Trentino Alto Adige).buy lexapro generic https://rxbuywithoutprescriptiononline.com/lexapro.html over the counter The Cycle is in the Torre Aquila section of the complex, for those lucky few of you heading off to Italy over vacation. Continue Reading