March 2015

There can be no question that it [religion] has lost the organic relations with culture which it possessed in the great religion-cultures of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Christopher Dawson, Religion and Culture Art Be With You Slogan on website of the Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo
Of all the forces that bind Western civilization, no anchorhold has been stronger than the Bible. It has been a monumental, creative driver of Western culture. Scripture provides the vaulting under literature and history; it has inspirited majestic visual art. Continue Reading

This morning’s broadcast from Sandro Magister lists the names of our twenty-one new Coptic saints. The essay “Saint Milad Saber and His Twenty Companions” can be read in full here. But let me list their names for you. They died whispering prayers, some calling upon the name of Jesus at the moment of cialis professional online no prescription By knife. We honor them by name: Milad Saber Mounir Adly Saad, bachelor Sameh Salah Farouq, married, one child Ezzat Boshra Nassif, married, with one son of four years Kyrillos Boschra Fawzy, bachelor Tawadraus Youssef Tawadraus, married, three children Magued Soliman Shehata, married, three children Mina Fayez Aziz, bachelor Samouil Alham Wilson, married, three children Bishoi Stephanos Kamel, bachelor Samouil Stephanos Kamel, brother of the latter, bachelor Malek Abram Sanyut, married, three children Milad Makin Zaky, married, one daughter Abanub Ayyad Ateyya Shehata, bachelor Guerges Samir Megally Zakher, bachelor Youssef Shukry Younan, bachelor Malek Farag Ibrahim, married, baby daughter Mina Shehata Awad Louqa Nagati Anis Abdou, 27 years, married with infant Essam Baddar Samir Ishaq, bachelor Hany Abdal-Massih Salib, married, four children Guerges Milad Sanyut, bachelor Continue Reading