Recess & Recollection

We are well into August and I find myself still at the computer. It is not really where I want to be just now. There are travels to take—though not necessarily far from where I am sitting. A few yards will do it. I am impatient to stay put.   The loveliest road maps are ones intended to guide the anchored. Among favorite itineraries for the dug in is Louis Dupré’s The Deeper Life:
Precisely because God dwells first and foremost in the self, the mystical journey is mostly an inward journey.
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Gender-bent on Suicide

Is there anything left to say? We have reached the moment words no longer matter. They stream out of us, a ceaseless procession of utterances in a media world which swallows them whole. Undigested, they nourish no one.   A civilization hungry for extinction has no taste for anything but death. Between a quisling pontificate, a debased political class, and a confused electorate, our age is caught up in a romance with doom. Words skim the surface but cannot penetrate the mystery of it. Continue Reading
Here & There

In response to the previous posting, a witty correspondent writes me this:
Catholics should be quite at home in a Trump administration. We’ve been living under the same style of communication during this entire pontificate — absurd unscripted remark, inevitable walk back by the press office hacks, and a contradiction by the public figure the following week.
Not to mention antagonism toward one’s opponents. Though Francis’ hostility to traditionalists in his own Church is nothing compared to the frenzy of vindictiveness toward Ted Cruz that is still driving Trump, even now after winning his party’s nomination. Continue Reading
A Catholic Case for Donald Trump

In my mail box this morning came a link to a new website: Catholics4Trump. At first I thought it was one of those online petitions that I dislike signing. But no. It is an initiative by Remnant columnist Chris Jackson to encourage Catholics to set aside personal distaste for Donald Trump and go vote for the man. The site appears to have sprung up two days ago. It is provisional; its reason for existing will end on Election Day. As of now it contains two brief essays, both posted on July 17th: “No Place to Escape To,” and “A Time for Choosing.” Continue Reading
Speak Nice to Power

  Jeb Bush, on MSNBC last night, spoke about Donald Trump’s rise as a presidential candidate. He laid it partly at the pope’s feet, as reported on Breitbart:
Bush also went on to blame the Catholic Church, saying, “the Pope intervening in American politics didn’t help.” “[The Pope] was talking about basically open borders at a time when the whole Trump phenomenon was to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. [The Pope] literally goes to the border for a massive mass,” Bush said. 
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