
9/11 & The Pedagogy of Amnesia

A new generation of voters will go to the polls this year with no memory  of 9/11. What knowledge they might have of it has been given to them in classrooms sodden with ideological agendas and careless of history. Careless of the truth of things. In American Thinker this morning Pamela Geller asks:
Twenty-one years on, and where are we? What do our children know about 9/11 and the Islamic terrorists who attacked our country in the worst attack on our homeland in American history?
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Culture is not an ornament of leisure to be measured in museum attendance, opera subscriptions, theater going and the like. It is, rather, the fiber of life—a living tradition of values—that lends meaning to a society’s artistic production.The nature of our culture is gauged more accurately by the character and political temperament of the men and women a still-free people entrust with public office. By that measure, American culture is on the ropes. No amount of art appreciation or museum acreage can sustain a people who confuse a presidential election with voting for American Idol. Continue Reading