Joke de Winter

Arty Bollocks, Redux

JOKE DE WINTER (The first name is Flemish, no joking.) is the technical genie behind the Arty Bullocks lasix online no prescription She emailed to say that the Generator now has its own home at It has also been updated to include more arty phrases in the service of more screwball combinations. If you are able to appreciate the relation between multiculturalism and UFO sightings—or, maybe, copycat violence—this is the site for you. If you want your press releases to sound like this .buy Continue Reading
Arty Bollocks

Reader Sam has done us all a great favor by emailing the link to Arty Bollocks Generator. The site provides an instant Artist Statement for anyone applying for a grant, preparing for a show or cobbling together a CV. Gallerists, too, will find it useful for composing the kind of press releases vital to so much contemporary art work. You know, the ones that explore the relationship between gender politics and low-fat ethics.// The Generator provides a 4-paragraph template with arty variations on each paragraph. Continue Reading