April Fooleries

Norman Rockwell’s “April Fool: Checkers” originally appeared on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post , April, 1943.

Go ahead, sniff all you like. But I can’t resist. Tell me, what is wrong with this picture?

If you won’t play along yourself, try it on your kids. Or send it along to some other fan of Where’s Waldo?

Norman Rockwell April Fool CheckersCareful, smarty. There are more “April fooleries” than you think. (Hint: There are forty three of them.) Click below for the solution to this, the least of your pressing problems:

And while you do it, keep in mind that for all the fashionable scoffing at Norman Rockwell over the sweetness of his subject matter, he was a gifted painter. Everyone knows his work in reproduction. Few have looked at the original paintings. Those who have seen them in the flesh, so to speak, know what a beautiful hand Rockwell had.

His watercolors are among the loveliest we have.

Norman Rockwell April Fool Cover