A Good Priest

The press is filled with more eloquent and informed voices than my own. It would be presumptuous of me to add to them.

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At the same time, this stunning and gracious election requires acknowledgment. I can do it best by observing it in silence while I reread George Bernanos’ Diary of a Country Priest . Francis stood on the balcony and asked us to pray for him. If ever a work of fiction can be called an act of prayer, it is this one.

From Robert Bresson’s 1951 film version of Diary of a Country Priest
From Robert Bresson’s 1951 film version of Diary of a Country Priest
That profound, heart-scalding window into the agony of a true priest—and of the making of a saint—carries us close to Benedict’s resignation and Francis’ election. Closer than any press commentary can ever approach. Bernanos’s nameless priest writes in his diary:

Faith is not a thing which one “loses,” we merely cease to shape our lives by it.

We have been blessed with a pope whose life as a cardinal was shaped by humility and faith.
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Yes, it is true: “Grace is everywhere.”